Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Fa La La [Christmas Wonderland]

I have taught myself everything I know about photography, every shoot was
a lesson of sorts. I have never claimed to be professional in what I do in any
way, and I still learn each and every day with each photo shoot I do [I still shoot
in AUTO ffs! lol].

This shoot is a testament to that. I have never done a shoot with so many 
background props and I did not feel confident that it would turn out good, but
I proved myself wrong. And that's how I learn; I try to prove myself wrong. 

Here is the much promised 'Fa La La [Christmas Wonderland]', the Christmas
themed photoshoot. There were a lot more I wanted to added to the props, but I felt
I'd never do it if I didn't just do it with the props I had. 

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