Sunday, October 26, 2014


" I have long lived with the inherent fear that my effeminate side
will stand in the way of breaking my barriers; norms set by society.
I have long lived with the idea that one should be ashamed of your effeminate
side and not show it at all. 

I have soon learned that being effeminate does not equate to being weak, 
and I have taught myself to stand up to even my toughest bullies; myself. 
I have since took it on as a personal goal to bend and break gender norms
at every turn, to create a world where I am comfortable with my own sexuality, 
despite what society thinks or says."

- Franco Mostert 25 October 2014

This is part of the internal monologue I had with myself while I was having 
the photoshoot. It is amazing how such a realisation can free you from restraints
you built yourself so you cannot get hurt, and in the process making yourself a prisoner
of unwanted and unneeded negativity. 

Therefor, it is only fitting that this shoot be called Empress. As the shoot went on, and
this internal monologue kept on, I grew stronger in my determination to shed all that negativity, 
let my true potential flourish and not be defined by what society sets as the norm. Slowly but surely, I am turning my pain into poetry. And to think, this shoot almost did not happen. 

I give you, Empress:

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