Thursday, January 30, 2014


I came up with the name as I was doing the #shotophoot,
listening to drag music. As soon as I done my blush, I
screamed out loud, "I am giving you Ongina, I am giving you
Manila Luzon, I am giving you Alyssa Edwards, I am giving you
Jinkx Monsoon, I am giving you Latrice Royale, I am giving Nina
Flowers, I am giving you Pandora Boxx..." And then it hit me.. 
"I am giving you Dorian Kyle!"

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

[Preview Post] Gay Magik

Came home from work with absolutely no idea
what theme to follow, but a shoot I wanted/needed
to do. I think I've become comfortable acknowleding
the fact that the whole process of a shotophoot soothes
me, helps me escape from my stress & reality for a while. 

So I grab the first thing I find in my bathroom and went with
it. And so the idea came to realise: Gay Magik:

Sunday, January 12, 2014

He Ate My Heart /Bleeding Love

This is the second part of the two piece shoot
where the theme starts kicking in. Within this second-part-shoot 
is also a two piece shoot, with the first part being
inspired by a piece renowned make up artist Mathu Andersen 

Here is the piece I used as inspiration:

And this is the outcome, which I call 'He Ate My Heart':

I then decided to spice it up even more. I have had the idea
to do a sequel of sorts of the zombie shoot I did, but not in the
theme of zombie as much as I wanted to use the fake blood again.
I then thought of tears of blood. When this idea of recreating the
Mathu piece, I knew what do with the blood...

This portion is therefor called 'Bleeding Love':

[Mini Post] ***Flaws & All

This is in fact a two piece shoot, as I had a concept
shoot in mind, but also wanted to put emphasis on
my contouring & highlighting skills, so I decided to
split the shoot up. 

This part, as I mentioned, deals with the contouring/highligting,
hence the name ***Flaws & All. 


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Eye See You [first for the year]

Would of done this in the last few days of 2013
but got caught up in the festivities, and sticking on
eye for eye can be pretty time consuming. 

So here is Eye See You: