Sunday, December 13, 2009


had a photoshoot. i don't know what exactly i find off in it, but something
about the photoshoot bothers me, but then i find it so sexy, inviting. oh well...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

what dreams are made of...

i think the photos speak for themselves. it was absolutely uplifting seeing two people
so happy and in love. Capturing these moments was not just an experience, but a pure joy and honour... Love for the win! :D

fairy sand and sea waves...

had a blast this weekend, the beach, a wedding (not mine :D) and splendid sights I got to see.
It was an amazing experience, both as an individual and as a photographer.
And i love the beach, so it got married to my camera, LOL

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the new model

the new model

did some test shots with this mister to see if he's any good
on the camera, and i was really stunned at how good it all
came out. even though at first i had to struggle a bit trying to
get him to be comfortable, he soon got on with the camera.

be sure to see alot more of the dude in the future...

Friday, November 6, 2009


Rest In Peace, Christina

I haven't posted in a while, mainly because of the death of
Christina, 'the adult orphan' that helped me get recognition as
a photographer.

But many do not know this.. Christina and I came a long way.
She and her husband used to come to our house since I was little,
and would clean up the garden, or take us kids for walks when mom
& dad wanted to take a nap.

I recently found out that Christina had died of AIDS. A sad reality
we had to come to terms with. She was my first 'model' i photographed.
May your soul rest in peace...

Friday, October 30, 2009


felt goth that day. shaven the side hairs off my head, just felt like it...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

taking lessons...

part II from Mr Guitar Man...
eclectism is a huge part of me, and a huge factor of what makes me tick...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dried & Twisted Wood...

love love love
saw the star at a flee market, loved it.
took it home and exposed it to his biggest friend, the wooden floor...
the bark, i found on the date tree... looked gorgeous and i had
to take a few snaps...